Acton is the second most diverse community in metro-west. I feel fortunate to live here. All residents must feel welcome to participate in Town government. All residents must be treated fairly, e.g. renters must be considered in addition to homeowners.
Everyone needs access to housing, and Acton needs to do its part. The Town does not need more McMansions tucked into every nook and cranny in town, but it does need additional housing. When special permitting is required, housing projects should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for their suitability. Rehabilitation of older units into new homes is excellent, but not sufficient.
New construction and large-scale renovation must be done with greener practices in mind. It makes no sense to rely on fossil fuels in new houses and buildings that may last upwards of 75 years. Other actions in town must be done with this eye towards sustainability, from complete streets to energy generation and use.
Actonians have long supported local businesses. Through these very dynamic times, it’s extremely important that town government encourage a thriving local business environment. Empty storefronts are just a blight on the community.
Excellent schools are part of Acton’s identity. The town must continue to work with the Acton-Boxborough School District and the Town of Boxborough to support the highest quality education of our youth.
There are always numerous projects throughout town: parks, intersections, facilities, etc. It’s important that we keep up with these, but it’s also important that taxpayer’s money be spent wisely. We must see value in our investments.
For most of that time that I’ve lived here, Acton has had a proactive government. The Select Board have tried to anticipate future needs, and have taken steps to make sure those needs were addressed. I believe in that style of governance.